Mission Trip Turned Into A Life On Mission

Wes Perry had reached the heights of business success but still felt something lacking in his career.

He wanted to make a difference in the world and thought the only way to do that was to become a missionary. He moved his family to Costa Rica for a summer to try to live out what he thought the Lord was calling him to, but in that process he discovered that God could use him as a businessman.

Wes was sitting at a pizza restaurant with a friend when he felt God ask him an important question: Do you think you got to where you are on your own? The experience humbled Wes as he looked back on how God orchestrated all the events that led to his success. He realized that he had a poor understanding of contributing to God’s kingdom. Missionary work wasn’t the only way to serve God. He could do that in his office, too, so that’s what he started to do. He looked for ways to do excellent, meaningful business back home while resourcing, supporting, and encouraging missionaries across the world. He even helped start the Milagros and continues to play an important role in the foundation – from doing on-the-ground work at our mission’s sites to serving as the president of our board.

He never became a missionary, but he lives on mission for the gospel every day, using the gifts God gave him to run great businesses with great kingdom impacts.